Virtual workshop 15-17 September 2023.
IB-approved workshop: Language A Language and Literature (Generic) Categories 1&2.
IB-approved workshop: Language A Language and Literature (Generic) Categories 1&2.
IB-approved Language A Literature in Coventry, UK English, Korean, Polish, [...]
IB-approved Language A Language and literature (generic) Category 2 in [...]
IB-approved English A Language and Literature Category 2 Register here
IB-approved Language A Literature (generic) Category 2 in Coventry, UK [...]
IB-approved workshop: Language A Literature (Generic) Category 1.
IB-approved workshop: Language A Literature (Generic) Category 1. Register here. [...]
IB-approved workshop: Language A Literature (Generic) Category 2. Register here.
IB-approved workshop: English A Literature Category 1. Register here.
IB-approved workshop: Language A Literature (Generic) Category 1. Register here.